SUNx Program

SUNx (Strong Universal Network – the x reflects its focus on response to the eXistential Climate Crisis) was established in 2010, as an EU based, not for profit organisation, with the support of the late Maurice Strong – one of the architects of global sustainable development – to apply his vision to the pivotal Travel & Tourism Sector.

In 2019 we signed a landmark initial 5-year SDG17 Agreement with the Malta Tourism Authority and Tourism Ministry to make Malta a worldwide centre for Climate Friendly Travel (CFT) with a “Plan For Our Kids” Strategy. We are launching a CFT Graduate Diploma in partnership with The Institute of Tourism Studies, Malta at their Gozo campus, and via distance learning.

SUNx Malta Plan For Our Kids

The Climate Crisis, propelled by extreme weather, climate migrants & young activists, is today’s top global agenda item. Travel & Tourism – driving some 10% of the global economy – is very exposed to extreme weather & increasingly challenged for its emissions. To support transition of the sector to a Climate Neutral 2050 Paris 1.5°C future, SUNx Malta is implementing a Climate Friendly Travel Strategy.

Climate Friendly Travel is:

Measured to Manage: Positive and negative impacts calculated and balanced.

Green to Grow SDG Tagged: Low Carbon: Inclusive: Circular Economy & Nature Based.

2050 Proof to Innovate for a Paris 1.5o Climate Neutral 2050 trajectory.

The “CFT” Framework consists of:

Climate Neutral Ambitions Registry + Annual Report & Think Tank

An online, blockchain based register supported by the Government of Malta, for Travel & Tourism Companies and Communities to record their commitment to Climate Friendly Travel and their 2050 Climate Neutral Ambition Trajectories. These will be self-entered & updated annually. This will be formal input to UNFCCC Register and coordinated with WTTC. It is supported by an Annual Report for sector status and a Think Tank in Malta to review/revamp it for the following year.

Online Learning Framework for schools, graduates and staff training programs

An online portal of Climate Friendly Travel data, research multi-media and third-party feeds, as well as the CFT Graduate Diploma and a cartoon series for Kids.

STRONG Climate Champions, 100,000 in UN States by 2030 + local Innovation Hubs

Plan to place 100,000 sponsored Strong Climate champions across all UN States by 2030, with local SUNx “CFT” Sector Innovation Hubs, to help Companies and communities transform.

SDG17 Partnership Alliance for “glocal” outreach

A program of SDG 17 Alliances for sponsors & delivery partners giving mutual Climate Friendly Travel support and outreach around the world.

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